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Regenerative Medicine Institute
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Stem Cell Infusion

Challenge all the Stereotypes of Aging

Our core cellular infusion therapy harnesses the healing properties of Umbilical Cord-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (UC-MSCs) to combat the effects of aging.

Clinical studies of these multifunctional cells have shown increased physical performance, improved quality of life, and reduced inflammation.

Our advanced in-house laboratory produces top-quality mesenchymal stem cells sourced from meticulously selected umbilical cords. These cells are verified for their exceptional differentiation capabilities and cellular attributes using flow cytometry. Additionally, they are rigorously screened to ensure they are devoid of infectious agents.

Renowned for their distinctive attributes, these superior cells possess a remarkable ability to migrate towards inflamed and damaged tissues, where they interact with host cells to modulate immune responses, curtail inflammation, and stimulate tissue regeneration by activating resident stem cells.

Despite their genetic variance from the host, these mesenchymal stem cells are recognized for their minimal immune rejection due to the immune system's inherent tolerance towards them. Numerous instances in scientific literature underscore their efficacy in enhancing various specific ailments and age-related frailty in human subjects.

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Tissue regeneration

Reduced inflammation

Immune system regulation

Longevity and anti-aging

The Process

The infusion procedure is safe, fast and ambulatory. Once you receive your IV, you can relax, check your phone, and wait for the infusion to complete. It’s simple but mighty.



Prior to treatment, you are given premedication to prevent allergic reactions.


IV Stem Cell

The stem cells are diluted in a physiologic fluid and slowly infused into your IV.


Medical Discharge

After the intravenous stem cell delivery is over, your vital signs are taken before medical discharge.

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Our Treatments

Pruebas de diagnóstico precisas para una atención informada.


Servicios de laboratorio avanzados ofrecen diagnósticos precisos, desde análisis de sangre hasta imágenes, para planes de tratamiento detallados.

Atención inmediata para emergencias no críticas.

Atención de emergencia

Atención inmediata y segura en nuestra clínica para emergencias menores y afecciones agudas, garantizando un entorno protegido.

Atención neurológica para cerebro y nervios.


Nuestro departamento de neurología se especializa en la atención integral de los trastornos del cerebro y del sistema nervioso.

Atención para necesidades de salud únicas de mujeres.

Salud de la mujer

Nuestra clínica enfocada en la salud femenina ofrece desde ginecología hasta atención prenatal para cada etapa de la vida.

Atención médica especializada y dedicada para sus pequeños.

Atención pediátrica

Especializada en atención pediátrica, nuestra clínica brinda atención compasiva y experta a bebés, niños y adolescentes.

Consultas médicas integrales para todas las edades.

Cuidados generales

Consultas médicas integrales para el cuidado personalizado y óptimo de todas las edades.


RMI Patient Testimonials
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