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Regenerative Medicine Institute
para un hospital o centro médico. Compra la plantilla.

Tú preguntas, nosotros respondemos


Encuentra respuestas a preguntas comunes sobre nuestros servicios y políticas aquí.

Are all umbilical cord stem cells made equally?

How do Stem Cells work?

How do umbilical cord stem cells compare with bone marrow stem cell therapies?

How do you screen the cells for diseases? 

How does stem cell therapy compare to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections?

Is it covered by insurance?

Is it ethical?

Is it safe and legal?

Is it supported by any research?

What are the benefits?

Where do you get your Stem Cells?

Will it cure me? 

Si no encuentras la respuesta que buscas, no dudes en contactarnos utilizando el formulario a continuación.

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