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Regenerative Medicine Institute
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Delay the need for knee replacement surgery and offering significant pain relief and functional improvement.

Non-surgical treatment to regenerate cartilage, the first of its kind. If you ever suffered from osteoarthritis and were told your only option was a knee or hip replacement, now there's an alternative.

Our treatment is designed to inject umbilical cord-derived stem cells deep into the subchondral bone. This allows the bone to nourish cartilage growth, reducing pain and allowing you to keep your joints and independence longer.

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Cartilage regeneration

Reduced pain & inflammation

Delay knee/hip replacement

Reduce pain & inflammation

The Process

The Orthrophic treatment is a safe, non-surgical, and outpatient procedure designed to regenerate cartilage, reduce pain, and improve joint function, offering an alternative to knee or hip replacement surgery. Using umbilical cord-derived stem cells, we target the subchondral bone and joint space to nourish cartilage growth and reduce inflammation.


Diagnostic Imaging

Considering your previous medical history and current musculoskeletal problems, our physicians will review the X-rays and MRI of your joints to determine if you are a candidate for this procedure. A consult will be scheduled to discuss your images and treatment.


Stem Cell Bone & Intra-Articular Injections

Under sedation, our physician will perform the injections in the pre-mapped areas under sterile conditions using ultrasound guidance for intraarticular injections and fluoroscopic guidance for subchondral injections. For bone injections, a 1/2-inch skin incision will be performed and stitched with absorbable sutures.
Dr. Felipe Deliyore RMI
Meet your physician

Dr. Felipe Deliyore, MD

Associate Physician Musculoskeletal Division Lead

Felipe is passionate about empowering patients to reach their peak physical potential. As the department director, he is responsible for implementing advanced science and technology, supervising all orthopedic procedures, from diagnosis to direct patient care, and providing post-procedural recommendations to ensure the best possible results.

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Our Treatments

Pruebas de diagnóstico precisas para una atención informada.


Servicios de laboratorio avanzados ofrecen diagnósticos precisos, desde análisis de sangre hasta imágenes, para planes de tratamiento detallados.

Atención inmediata para emergencias no críticas.

Atención de emergencia

Atención inmediata y segura en nuestra clínica para emergencias menores y afecciones agudas, garantizando un entorno protegido.

Atención neurológica para cerebro y nervios.


Nuestro departamento de neurología se especializa en la atención integral de los trastornos del cerebro y del sistema nervioso.

Atención para necesidades de salud únicas de mujeres.

Salud de la mujer

Nuestra clínica enfocada en la salud femenina ofrece desde ginecología hasta atención prenatal para cada etapa de la vida.

Atención médica especializada y dedicada para sus pequeños.

Atención pediátrica

Especializada en atención pediátrica, nuestra clínica brinda atención compasiva y experta a bebés, niños y adolescentes.

Consultas médicas integrales para todas las edades.

Cuidados generales

Consultas médicas integrales para el cuidado personalizado y óptimo de todas las edades.