Dr. Felipe Deliyore, MD is a dedicated healthcare professional passionate about empowering individuals to reach their peak physical potential. From igniting athletic excellence to assisting others in overcoming injuries and physical challenges, Dr. Deliyore’s journey has been driven by a deep commitment to positively impacting people’s lives.
His education boasts impressive accomplishments, including a Doctor of Medicine degree and a Bachelor of Medical Sciences from the prestigious Universidad de Costa Rica. Additionally, he holds a Diplomate in Hospital Management from INCAE Business School, Costa Rica—further showcasing his versatility and leadership abilities.
During his Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency at CCSS, San Jose, Costa Rica, Dr. Deliyore focused on serving a diverse population with musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. His academic excellence and expertise in rehabilitation methods and applied biomechanics further enriched his abilities to provide exceptional care.
Dr. Deliyore served as a General Practitioner at CEACO, CCSS, Costa Rica, during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. He fearlessly navigated emergency services and night shifts in this role and conducted multiple critical procedures. As Chief General Physician, he led the frontline efforts, coordinating medical teams and ensuring the best possible patient care. He even spent countless hours in a hazmat suit to aid those in need.
In the aftermath of the pandemic, Dr. Deliyore reignited his passion for exercise science and helping people achieve optimal movement. His vision led to the formation of the Orthopedic department at the Regenerative Medicine Institute (RMI) in Costa Rica, where he leads the charge in implementing cutting-edge science and technologies for patient treatments. As the director, he oversees all orthopedic procedures, from diagnosis to direct patient care and post-procedural recommendations.
Even amidst his busy career, Dr. Deliyore founded “Simple Strength Community,” a Strength and Conditioning gym, which reflects his commitment to fostering a supportive fitness environment. With a heart full of dedication and a mind fueled by knowledge, Dr. Felipe Deliyore continues to make remarkable strides in healthcare, leaving a lasting impact on those he touches while empowering others to embrace their true physical potential.